How to build quality software

Building quality software for users is a fundamental advantage in a competitive market. But, even if you think otherwise, one of the main reasons behind bad software does not lie at the engineering level, but in the way in which it works, integrating various factors, and the ability to have good teamwork under a common goal.

The characteristics that mainly define quality software are robustness, easy maintenance, containing minimal errors, and providing a good user experience.

In a few words and summarizing a lot, we could say that the usual evolution of a project is usually the following:

– The client devises a solution and transfers it.

– A series of requirements made by a group of people is listed.

– Subsequently, it is handed over to the development team who will begin working on it.

– When all items on the list have been completed, the project is released to production and declared finished.

And, having a clear process, how do we build quality software quickly and optimize costs?

Below, we review some strategies that will help you as a developer optimize your projects and focus on what is important.


Keys to building quality software

Establishing a clear and concise plan of what will be delivered in a project is essential to ensure quality from the beginning. This will ensure the alignment of budgets, resources, and time necessary to compromise the quality of the software delivered at the end of the project.

It is important to analyze the product requirements and write a scope document agreed upon by all members of the project such as the client, the product owner, the project manager, and the programmers. The analysis of these requirements and the writing of the scope document will save us more than one headache during the completion of the project. Today, analyzing can be easier thanks to the presence of automated testing frameworks.


We are here facing the first step of any development, a stage in which we have to clearly define what we really want to have and why. It is time to define the requirements in the best possible way and without open definitions that give rise to doubts. General ideas that aim to take shape during the process would have no place here, as they can lead to mistakes, code errors, or functional problems.

Define an appropriate architecture for the solution

Good planning and delineation of project requirements by stakeholders makes software architecture more effective. Carrying out correct planning in advance will make the project develop more smoothly. If you are looking to create reliable, high-quality software, it is essential to have a solid design and architecture framework that can support possible changes in the future.

Work in pairs or in groups

Pair programming can improve overall productivity and software quality through the collaborative process, mainly for complex problems. This form of programming helps developers create better-quality code by detecting errors as they write, helping them make continuous revisions. This way of working makes it easier for developers to learn specific things about applications and software development, as well as best practices.

Reduce code complexity

The ideal for any developer is to work with code that is easy to read and understand. Reaching its simplicity is not so simple since as the team advances in the development of the project, the complexity grows without realizing it as they become familiar with it in daily work. Sometimes, when a developer reviews the code in the last stages of the project, he or she may find many lines that are unnecessary, the complexity at this point being such that it is difficult to solve.

The simplicity of the code, we could say briefly, is reflected in how easy it is to read, understand, and keep track of. Some recommendations to reduce the complexity of the code would be to focus on the size of its functions and procedures, limit its functions and methods to a minimum and if its size is very large, divide it into smaller fragments.

Software test automation

When making new changes, it is common to perform manual testing, although these can cause errors that affect more parts of the code. Although manual testing is necessary, it is essential to have automated tests that guarantee the proper functioning of the new development as well as the previous ones.

Use the software and evaluate it as an end-user

The end user plays a relevant role in software development. Putting the user first is creating a culture of quality. When using the software, errors are detected that may be functional and need to be repaired, interface, or user experience. Working from the perspective or point of view of the end user is very important for the user experience of the people for whom the software is being designed. This type of development focuses on the behavior of the end user and thus becomes a way to improve code readability and testing.


We hope that this review of some of the most effective tips for building quality software for end users is useful to you. Building a profitable product that users like is a complicated task within a process in which more factors will end up intervening in the long run. Knowing what you want, assembling a good team, and adopting the appropriate tools and methodologies to carry out development are other keys that will determine the success and creation of a good product.

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